Customer Protection
5. Before or upon conclusion of the financing agreement:
Before concluding the financing agreement, the employee must disclose to the clients the procedures for dealing with the financing agreement in the event of the death of the client who was granted the financing.
The employee must have an appropriate system through which he can obtain the necessary information about customers to estimate their needs for financial products and services and to provide appropriate offers according to the needs of each customer.
The employee shall provide advice and advice to customers in choosing the appropriate financing product or service for their needs.
على الموظف تزويد العميل بنسخة من اتفاقية التمويل قبل التوقيع عليه ومنحه فترة مناسبة للاطلاع عليه وذلك في حال طلب العميل ذلك.
على الموظف الحصول علي طلب من العميل قبل منح تمويل جديد، كما ان اي زيادة او تعديل في اتفاقية التمويل توجب توقيع تمويل جديد او اضافة ملحق إلى الاتفاقية القائمة.
على الموظف قبل إبرام اتفاقية التمويل الإفصاح للعملاء عن كل مايتعلق بالمنتج او الخدمة التمويلية المطلوبة وان تزويدهم بالاحكام والشروط الأساسية للمنتج او الخدمة التمويلية ومن ذلك- على سبيل المثال لا الحصر مايلي:
1- معدل النسبة السنوي
2- فترة سداد التمويل
3- إجراءات السداد المبكر
4- إجراءات إنهاء اتفاقية التمويل
5- إجراءات حق الانسحاب إن وجدت
6- التزامات وواجبات كل طرف بموجب الاتفاقية
7- أي بند يحق للشركة تعديلة بعد سريان الاتفاقية
8- اي قيد او شرط قد يترتب عليه ضرر بمصلحة العميل
9- إجراءات التعامل مع الشكوى
على الموظف قبل ابرام اتفاقية التمويل الافصاح للعملاء عن اي تغطية تأمينية والمستفيد من تلك التغطية، وكذلك الية تقسيم التعويض في حال حدوث تلف الاصل الممول، وذلك ليتمكن العميل من اتخاذ قراره بالحصول على التمويل من عدمه.
على الموظف إبلاغ صاحب الطلب سبب الرفض عن طريق وسائل اتصال مضمونه خلال مدة اقصاها (5 ايام عمل)، في حال ما إذا رفضت الشركة طلب العميل للحصول على أي منتج او خدمه تمويلية.
على الموظف معرفة الغرض الذي من اجله تم الحصول على التمويل من العميل وتوثيق ذلك.
على الموظف تزويد كل طرف متعاقد بنسخة من اتفاقية التمويل وكافة ملحقاته بعد ابرام الاتفاقية.
على الموظف فحص السجل الإئتماني للعميل بعد موافقته، للتحقق من ملائتة المالية، وتوثيق ذلك في ملف العميل، بعد موافقته لدى الشركة المرخص لها بجمع المعلومات الإئتمانية، وفق احكام الانظمة والوائح والتعليمات ذات العلاقة، وتحديث تلك المعلومات طوال مدة التعامل مع العميل.
5. Before or upon conclusion of the financing agreement:
Before concluding the financing agreement, the employee must disclose to the clients the procedures for dealing with the financing agreement in the event of the death of the client who was granted the financing.
The employee must have an appropriate system through which he can obtain the necessary information about customers to estimate their needs for financial products and services and to provide appropriate offers according to the needs of each customer.
The employee shall provide advice and advice to customers in choosing the appropriate financing product or service for their needs.
The employee shall provide the client with a copy of the financing agreement before signing it and give him an appropriate period to review it, if the client so requests.
The employee must obtain a request from the client before granting a new financing, and any increase or amendment in the financing agreement requires signing a new financing or adding an appendix to the existing agreement.
Before concluding the financing agreement, the employee must disclose to the clients everything related to the required financing product or service and provide them with the basic terms and conditions of the financing product or service, including - for example, but not limited to, the following
Annual Percentage Rate - Finance repayment period - Early payment procedures - Procedures for terminating the financing agreement - Procedures for the right of withdrawal, - if any Obligations and duties of each party under the agreement - Any clause that the company has the right to amend after the entry into force of the agreement - Any restriction or condition that may result in harm to the customer's interest - Complaint handling procedures -
Before concluding the financing agreement, the employee must disclose to the clients any insurance coverage and the beneficiary of that coverage, as well as the mechanism for dividing the compensation in the event of damage to the financed asset, in order for the client to make his decision to obtain financing or not.
The employee shall inform the applicant of the reason for the refusal through secured means of communication within a maximum period of (5 working days), in the event that the company rejects the client’s request to obtain any financing product or service
The employee must know the purpose for which the financing was obtained from the client and document it
The employee shall provide each contracting party with a copy of the financing agreement and all its annexes after concluding the agreement
The employee shall examine the credit record of the customer after his approval, to verify his financial suitability, and document this in the customer’s file, after his approval with the company licensed to collect credit information, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws, regulations and instructions, and update that information throughout the period of dealing with the customer